I love my iphone! I actually don't know what I would do without it. Mr D thinks it's wasted on me as I don't use it anywhere near to it's full potential! I do think I'm a little bit behind when it comes to technology, especially on the social media side. I mean, I've only JUST got myself a twitter account!! I think if I admitted that to the teenagers of today they'd think I used to live with the dinosaurs - and I'm only in my 30's!!!!! (you can follow me on
The things I love most about my iphone is the camera and my instagram app. I love that I can can take photos of anything, anytime, anywhere!! Then with the click of a button, Instagram can transform them into something really cool. It's the perfect app for someone like me who LOVES photography but will never be a photographer!
My week in pictures! Love Instagram!
Best friends (well, most of the time anyway) |
Three in the bed! |
Shopaholic! Now where coud she possible get that from?? |
In the bumbo at last!! And ALWAYS smiling |
Outdoor fitness! Those stairs are ABSOLUTE torture, but LOOK. AT. THE. VIEW!!!! I even managed to get Master J to join me for some early morning boxing!! |
Boys will be boys! |
Making chocolate crispy crackles to take to the boys' after school. That's why we LOVE little sisters! |
One of the many spectacular walks I do with little Miss L when it's just the two of us - special times x
Me and my littlest
Grandpa Cockatoo. He sits outside our house every day. Mr D wonders how he flies with so few feathers!!
Some other apps I like using to play around with my photos are 'Snapseed', Halftone, Picframe Pro, and Tweegram.
If you know of any that I may love then please let me know.
Nice pics! I also love Instagram:) That beach picture with the fence reminds me of a place close to here.