A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine opted to drink a bottle of this revolting looking green juice instead of joining us for our usual mid-morning coffee at our playgroup catchup. We all listened intently as she told us about this 15 day re-boot juicing program she was doing. In all honestly I thought she was as mad as a box of frogs! There was no freaking way I was not having my morning coffee!!!
The idea of just having pretty much nothing but juice and green juice at that made me literally shudder. There was just no way I could do!! NO WAY!!!
So how on earth did I end up doing it???? Mmmmmm yes, good question. Well......... the lovely Gina (mad as a box of frogs friend) sent the link for a documentary film called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (delightful title) and I was so intrigued that I had to watch it. If you're in any way intrigued too.......watch it!!! It explains everything you need to know about the benefits of detoxing.
As shallow as it sounds, the thing that caught my attention was the amount of weight Gina had lost in such a short space of time (not that she even needed to)!! I know I'm not huge, but I have been trying for so long to loose the last little bit of my baby weight and it's just not happening!! I lost it so easily after baby one and two but the third time round I am really struggling.
I couldn't stop thinking about the reboot detox and the concept of literally spring cleaning my whole body (and of course loosing those last few pounds). For about a week I mulled it over and then grilled Gina about it on the phone one afternoon while I was sat watching Miss H's swimming lesson. I decided to just suck it up and do it. And that was it!!
The program I followed was 'Reboot with Joe' and he includes a FULL shopping list, step by step meal plan and all the recipes too. It takes all the 'thinking' out of it and all you have to do is following the steps and polish up your will power.
I am now on day 8 and still going strong. Here are a few tips I have if you want to join in too and a few details of what to expect.
- Invest in a juicer. I tried to use my thermomix as a juicer but it just wasn't happening, so I went out and bought a Breville Juicer and it has been fantastic.
- Follow the shopping list and make sure you have all the ingredients you need before you start. Joe gives you a new shopping list ever 5 days, but I actually got my ingredients every 3 days as I just didn't have enough space in my fridge to store everything.
- It's a lot cheaper to use frozen berries than fresh ones.
- Be organised. I can't stress enough how important this one is. If you're busy like me you really need to know exactly what you're making that day and if you can pre-prepare anything than do it. There is nothing worse that being starving and you can't eat anything because you're not home and have not made a juice to bring with you.
- The first 5 days include juicing and some food but no dairy, meat, sugar or carbohydrates. The following 10 days are just juice.
- Be prepared to go to the toilet - all the time!!!
- Be brave - it's only 15 days. Some of the recipes sound revolting but are actually not that bad after all.
Day 1
I actually found that there was too much to eat and I couldn't keep up with it all. I felt great, enjoyed the food and really didn't see what all the fuss was about!!
Day 2
Now the fun kicked in (cue sarcasm!). Not being able to have coffee left me with the most horrendous headache that felt like someone was stabbing at my temples all day. Other than having to tell myself several times that 'this is self inflicted and NOT the kids fault' day 2 was not too bad. I wasn't left feeling hungry at all.
Day 3
This was a funny day really - for some reason I felt really emotional and found myself getting all teary over the silliest things. Also my cravings for a big fat slice of fresh bread with butter REALLY started to kick in today, especially when I was eating soup.
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Juice instead of coffee (sobs) |
Day 2's lingering headache was starting to slowly disappear and I had the best nights sleep I've had in a long time. I was also starting to get used to drinking the different juices, although it still took some extra will power to drink anything with celery in it. I also discovered that chopped kale, garlic, onions and some chilli olive oil is actually bloody delicious!! Who would have though it?
Day 5
This was by far the hardest day for me so far as it was our wedding anniversary and Mr D was taking me out for dinner. We went to a beautiful fish restaurant and I had some amazing grilled tuna with roasted vegetables. However it just took EVERY ounce of strength I had not to order any wine. It was coconut water all the way for me. The only thing that got me through was that fact that I had lost just over 2kgs - in 5 DAYS!!! The other thing I noticed was how beautiful and long my nails have grown. Bonus!!
I'm about half way though now and although I wouldn't say it's been easy, it hasn't been as hard as I though it would be either. I'll keep you updated on my progress.
Have you ever done a detox before?? How did you find it??
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We must get together and compare juicers and juices. We've been juicing loads, and it is a pain to keep that much stuff int he fridge. I've just bought a big bag of juicing carrots that won't fit in at all. I love beetroot, celery, apple, lemon, ginger with whatever else is going: some mint recently was fab. I feel really good just now physically and think it must be the extra plant nutrients. But i still need my solid food - esp dark choc!!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. We'll have lunch after the Easter hols. t's been really tough not being able to just 'chew' on something. I can't wait until Easter, I have my eye on a dark chocolate bunny. Yum. xxxx
DeleteAges ago I really wanted to tree the green smoothie challenge but I really just couldn't motivate myself. I was so worried it would be just blerg! Also, having to buy a good juicer was a bit of am excuse to not try it. If they do taste yum.. I could certainly have a go I think! I might just need the help after this #5 is born in a few weeks. #teamIBOT
ReplyDeleteGo for it Sophie. The juices have really surprised me, I thought they would be a lot more horrible than they were and some of them were actually delicious xx
DeleteGood on you for giving it a go. It's not something I think I would ever do. I like coffee and bread too much, and juice nowhere near enough!!! :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha!! Man I had the worse coffee withdrawal ever on day 2. I hope my first cup after this doesn't' send me loopy!! xx
DeleteVery interesting indeed. I like the way you are giving us a day by day description. I look forward to the rest. Bad planning to have a wedding anniversary in the middle of it.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the weight loss too.
Thanks Carolyn. Yep I didn't time it well at all. Kidspot cocktail party is coming up too.......what shall I do????
DeleteWhen you did the no sugar I thought you were bonkers but it also showed me how much willpower, strength and determination you have lovely. To say I'm in awe and proud of you is not close to how awesome I think you are. Keep us updated. I need to kick-start my weight as porked up recently, UGH - and it's not just that I'm SO unhealthy right now. And we have both a kick-ass blender and juicer so can't use that as excuse! xx
ReplyDeleteI am bonkers and probability more vanity than will power!! You are such a sweetie Em and just by the way you looked fabulous on Saturday xxxx
DeleteYou're amazing my friend! And you look FAB! I've done a few juice cleanse thingys over the years but never for 15 days! I've been off the sugar for over 12 months now but still think I'd struggle without solid food! I really enjoyed Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and even the husband found it an eye opener so definitely think i might have to look into doing something similar next year when I'm no longer preggers!
ReplyDeleteThank you sweetie. Oh you watched the documentary - it's pretty good isn't it. You could add some juices in when you're feeding bubs for an extra shot of goodness xxxx