Wednesday, 16 April 2014

5 today! Can you please stop growing so fast!

"Mouse (our nickname for Miss H) can you just stop growing for a little while, mummy can't keep up"  I whispered to her at bedtime the other night.  "But mummy, I just don't know how to stop" she told me.  "Could you maybe just try, for me?" I asked.  "Ok mummy" she said "I'll stop growing, but only until I'm 5 because when I turn 5 I'll have to be 5 and not 4!!"  "Okay, that'll do" I said as I kissed her goodnight.
Today she is 5!  That means she'll have to start growing again and there is nothing I can do about it except watch her with a heart so full of love it could burst at any given moment.

These five years have been a whirlwind of smiles and I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming every day.  I adore her big heart and untainted view of the world.  The way she still needs me when she's feeling a little shy or nervous and her huge enthusiasm for just about everything life throws at her.  I couldn't be more proud of you my darling and I love you to the moon and back.  Happy Birthday.

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  1. Oh how lovely! Your daughter looks like such a gorgeous, happy little sweetie! I hope she has a wonderful birthday! xxx

    1. Thanks Lucy. She was so excited she didn't stop talking for the entire day. Happy girl, exhausted mamma x

  2. It's lovely to see how she's grown and changed over these 5 years. 5 years seems like a long way to go for my two little ones (3 years and 9 months) at the moment, but I guess before I know it, it'll be gone in a blink of an eye.

    1. It so does, I don't know how but time just seems to fly by!! My baby will be two in a couple of weeks - crazy!! xx

  3. Oh sweetheart sorry I missed this gorgeous post! She's just beautiful x

    1. Thanks lovely! I don't know where you find the time to read them all anyway. Big hugs xx


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