Friday, 8 February 2013

Liebster Award number 2

Last week I was lucky enough to receive my second Liesbster Award from the lovely Lisa at Mummy Manifesto.  It made my week being nominated again, so thank you so much Lisa.  I think this is such a lovely award in the blogging community as it really shows recognition for each others talents and it's a fabulous way of discovering new blogs to read (which is hard to resist for me as I'm ALWAYS in the lookout for new blogs).

To find out a bit more about the Liebster Award (and a little more about me), take a look at my First Leibster Award

Here are the great 11 questions that Lisa had for me.  Are you ready??

1.  The 'worst' compliment that you have ever received?

Well this one I remember very clearly.  Back in the day when I was working as an Inflight Beauty Therapist for Virgin Atlantic, I was in a bar in Hong Kong called 'Dusk till Dawn'.  (If anyone reading this has even been partying in Hong Kong, you'll remember this place for sure!!).  It's one of those bars that you always end up in at the very end of the night (or early hours of the morning).  I could go on and on here (memories flooding in), but must get back to the point in hand!!  One particular night I was there a nice looking pilot attempted to 'chat me up".  After the initial pleasantries he leaned in and said "You look like the kind of pretty girl that would make a wonderful housewife!!!!!!!!"  Enough said!

2.  Your favourite midnight snack?

Not sure I'm able to stay awake until midnight these days, but if I could it would have to be peanut M&M's or white chocolate Malteasers.  (Actually pretty much any chocolate would do).

3.  The hardest thing about blogging is?

For me as a busy mum of three, I'd say it would definitely have to be finding the time to do it!  Coming a close second would be keeping up with social media - if I'm not careful that can be the biggest time sucker of all!!

4.  The one character trait that you hope to pass on to your children?

Mmmmm this is a tough one!  I'm not good at self compliments.  I think I am a pretty good listener, which is something that I definitely got from my mum (she's the best).  I really hope that all my kids learn how to be good listeners. 

5.  Your favourite birthday celebration so far?

That has got to be my 30th Birthday.  We were still living in England then and being a January birthday it was ABSOLUTELY freezing   There was so much snow that we only just made it home from a family lunch.  The following week Mr D booked a beautiful boutique hotel in Cornwall where we went with a group of our closest friends for a long weekend.  Despite the snow everywhere else, the sun was shining in Cornwall and we had the most awesome weekend chilling out together with great wine, great food, great views and great company.

England can be spectacular in the winter

6.  The one character trait you hope you partner passes on to your children?

That one has to be patience!  Mr D has loads of patience - so much more than me!

7.  The one bad habit you wish you could get rid of?

Biting my nails!  This is a terrible habit that I have had on and off since I was a little girl.  I remember my dad saying he'd give me 50c per nail if I stopped biting them.  It worked!!  For a little while anyway.....

8.  Camping or hotel?

Hotel for sure!!  I am just not a camping kinda girl!

9.  Name one blogger you want to meet in real life and why?

Mmmmmm this one has me thinking!  I think I will have to say Che from Indieberries.  I love reading her blog and she just seems like a really funny, cool kinda chick!!

10.  Your signature dish in the kitchen?

I don't really have a signature dish as such but Mr D certainly has.  His spaghetti Bolognese rocks!!

11.  Your most treasured possession?

This may sounds slightly cliched but I have three!  My children for sure!

So there you have it!  Now it's my turn to nominate some fabulous blogs that I think deserve a bit of Liebster Loving.  Make sure to pop over and check them out too.

1.  Teapots and Tractors
2.  No more pastrami
3.  Dad down under
4.  Bliss amongst the Chaos
5.  Have a laugh on me
6.  Easy Peasy Kids

And last but certainly not least, here are my 11 questions I have for them.

1.  Who is the boss in your house.  Mum or Dad?
2.  Where is the best place you've taken the kids on holiday and why?
3.  Tea or coffee in the mornings?
4.  Which social media platform do you enjoy the most?
5.  Can you share one fail safe kids lunch box idea?
6.  What is the first thing you notice when meeting new people?
7.  Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty kinda person?
8.  What is your favorite ice-cream flavour?
9.  What are you most passionate about?
10.  If tomorrow was 'date night' for you and your partner, where would you go?
11.  Where is the furthest you've ever been from home?

Well, thats it!  I've really enjoyed writing this post, so thanks SO much again Lisa from nominating me. Don't forget to visit Lisa at Mummy Manifesto and all my lovely Liebster nominees to find out how they've answered my questions.


  1. Thanks Robyn! How nice are you! I'll come to the hotel with you! I'm not a camping type of girl really!

  2. Great answers to the questions Robyn, and great questions for me! Thanks again for nominating me :)

    1. Pleasure! Look forward to seeing your answers x


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