Birthday lunch date with my hot hubby |
I'm now going to turn this into a teeny tiny BOAST post! Not that I'm a boasty type of person (well not much) but it is my birthday, so right now I am going to take center stage (because I can!!!)
First teeny boast
I have the most amazing Mr D in the whole world!! He surprised me by tucking the NEW iPHONE 5 under my pillow the night before my day! You have no idea how happy this made me (cue: big BIG smiles). Actually I think Mr D does, as the poor love has had to endure the endless, and I mean endless complaining from me about how my old (and beloved) iphone was "driving me CRAZY!!!!" Those of you that follow my blog will know that my iphone is pretty much my third arm (you know, for.............. blogging, tweeting, face-booking, chatting, millions of photo taking and of course general nosiness). As it slowly started to fall apart at the seams, poor Mr D (my IT support at home) got the brunt of my frustrations. First it was the home button - you know, the big round one that you have to use for EVERYTHING. It started where I'd have to tap a little harder than usual, then tap it a little harder several times, then bang it several time and then finally bang it and grint my teeth (trying not swear in front of the kids) and then bang it again before it finally turned a page. If that wasn't enough the volume functions decided to slowly die too, so my phone conversations sounded something like this: "Hello! "Oh Hi, how are you?........ Sorry can you say that again, I can't hear you very well..........What was that??? .........Sorry I still didn't quite catch that - I can barely hear you" (with me wildly waving my arms at the kids giving them frantic hand signals to shut up for just one minute while I tried to figure out who I was talking to)!! Then finally to add insult to injury my camera got sticky!!! Making taking photos of moving kids near impossible!
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Isn't she pretty?? |
Second weeny boast
I have the very bestest family in the whole world!! I just loved how Master J and Miss H were excited that it was MY birthday and not theirs. Seeing their cute little faces in the morning, desperate to wake up Miss L so she didn't miss out on seeing Mummy open up her presents made my morning. They told EVERYONE they possibly could that it's "Mummy's Birthday today!!!!!!" So sweet and of course I was very spoilt too. Such a lucky Mummy I am.
Last Boast (and it's a big one!)
Wow! What fabulous friends I have. The best ever!
Thank you all so much for all your lovely cards, messages, pressies, phone calls, babysitting and visits. I'll try not to get too sentimental now, but it really did make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Thanks everyone for making the best day of the best month simply the best. You all rock!
xxxxxx Mrs D
P.S. Just one more teeny weeny boast! In case you didn't know, I share my birthday with the lovely Kate Middleton - The Duchess of Cambridge and future Queen! I told you it was the best day of the best month!!
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