Monday 7 January 2013

How to clean your tummy (aka. The Green Smoothie Challenge)

"What's that??" Miss H asks, as I hand her a cup of bright green juice.  "It's a green smoothie" I tell her "It's SO yummy!"  "I don't like it!" she replies, rather bluntly.  "I want my milk!"  "But you haven't even tried it yet - it's super yummy!  It has apples in it........" I'm trying my best to coax her into trying a little sip.  "I don't like it!" she tells me again - equally as bluntly but with a slight whine in her voice.   I just know that if I persist, that whine is going to turn into a high pitched wail and I really can't be doing with that on the first morning that I've switched from coffee to 'green smoothies'.  So I try Master J instead and surprisingly he necks the whole cup!!  "That was yum mum!  What was it?"  "Green smoothie!" I tell him".  It helps to clean your tummy making you nice and healthy and extra clever, so we have to drink it every morning.  Just like brushing your teeth."  "Oh, ok" he says!  Just like that!!

"I want to clean my tummy too" whines Miss H (she's really not a morning person).  "But I thought you didn't like it??" I ask her.  "But I do like it mama, it has apples!!" ("Isn't that what I just said, I'm thinking????")

On New Years day I decided to join up and do the 30 day Green Smoothie Challenge.

If you were wondering?????  The smoothies I've made so far have actually been delicious!  I was a little sceptical about putting 'veggies' in my smoothies and thought I might have to drink a few while holding my nose (a trick I learnt as a kid to block out the taste of yucky foods).  However, I've been so surprised by how delicious they are that not only have I started to get braver with my ingredients but I think I might keep this 30 day habit for a little longer - maybe even forever!!

I've had several requests from my lovely readers for the recipes, so here are a few.  I've just made my recipes up, so you'll have to just trust me that they taste good.   You can always try the simple Green Smoothie website for some 'proper' recipes if you'd prefer.

I've used my thermomix, but you don't have one, a good blender will do.

The key-lime kiwi
2 green apples, quartered
1 banana (frozen or fresh)
half a lime (peeled)
a large handful of spinach
1 whole kiwi (peeled)
1 tray of ice
1.5 cups of water

Throw it all into the bowl and whizz for 45 seconds on speed 9.  Whilst the thermie is whizzing squeeze the juice of 1 large orange onto the lid and let it drip in.  Pour into glasses and serve!

A serving for the whole family - even little Miss L

The Bok Banana

2 green apples, quartered
10 green grapes
1 banana
2 bok choys (chinese lettuce)
1 whole kiwi (peeled)
1.5 cups of water
1 tray of ice

Throw it all into the bowl and whizz for 45 seconds on speed 9.  Whilst the thermie is whizzing squeeze the juice of 1 large orange onto the lid and let it drip in.  Pour into glasses and serve!

This once can taste a little 'lettucy" so if you prefer just use 1 bok choy.  The kids are my taste testers - if they complain, then it may need tweaking.  There have been no complaints so far!!

The Green Rainbow

1 green apple, quartered
1 carrot (peeled, and quartered)
1 kiwi (peeled)
1/4 lemon (peeled)
a large handful of spinach
a small handful of blueberries
a quarter of a small rock melon, cut into chunks

1.5 cups of water
1 tray of ice

Throw it all into the bowl and whizz for 45 seconds on speed 9.  Whilst the thermie is whizzing squeeze the juice of 1 large orange onto the lid and let it drip in.  Pour into glasses and serve!

We called this one the rainbow because the blueberries and carrot made it look a little 'off colour' and not so 'green'.

Mix a little baby rice into your smoothie for the perfect baby brekkie
She loves it really!

What a great challenge this has been.  We are only a week in and I already feel better for it.  It also fills the kids tummies up, meaning that they can go longer after their brekkie and are not whinging for treats by mid-morning!  An all round win.  (I'll let you know at the end of the month if I've managed to loose any of that super stubborn baby weight - now that would be a bonus!)

Why not try it - you don't need to stick to just stick to January!!  Just do it!

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