A busy busy week in the de Beer house is nothing new but this week has been a particularly loooong one for me! I can't quite put my finger on why, but by the time I got to Wednesday, I could have sworn it was Friday!! Don't you hate that?? It never seems to happen the other way around. I also seemed to have picked up some kind of virus this week, so have not been feeling on top of my game (which doesn't help.)
Master J's favourite thing to do at the beach is throw himself off the top of the sand dunes and 'fly'!! |
With spring in full swing, the weather this week has been absolutely spectacular and day light saving has meant that we've been able to enjoy the beach in the early evenings. The kids always moan "nooo, not the beach!!!" when I drag them down there after school, but once we get there they just love it!! It's a win win, as I get to sit and stare at the ocean - something which also seems to restore my inner peace after a hectic day and they could spent hours jumping off the sand dunes!!
My little fairy trying to copy her big brother |
The naked chef!! Who needs clothes for making chocolate cake?? (less washing for me!)
Miss H loves baking and luckily for me she still thinks her mummy is a fabulous cook! She also loves being naked and doesn't seem anywhere near growing out of that phase yet!
The school sponsored walkathon |
It happened to be the most swelteringly HOT day for the walkathon and while I sweated my way round the field pushing Miss L in the pram, the kids just whizzed by in a flash. I don't think they quite got the "walk' athon bit - it was more like a 'run' althon for them!!
Who needs babysitters when you have a class full of six year old girls! |
This picture was taken on Tuesday eve just before my training session started. It was a stunning evening and weight training didn't seem so bad with a family of whales splashing straight ahead to watch. |
Lunch with a good friend in her beautiful back garden |
passed out! So cute I could eat her!! |
Master J was so excited to show me how he had made it on to the "super writers' wall in his classroom! |
Saturday morning sunrise - SO worth getting up at 6am! |
The first nippers of the season |
My little beach butterfly |
Couldn't resist this one! Playing with my new iphone app "insta-story" |
Miss L and Miss Y were born just 5 days apart! (I definitely have a little cubba bubba). With their big brothers in the same class at school, they see so much of each other. It's so cute to see them just starting to interact with each other.
Me and Miss L - using the reverse camera on the iphone! Not something I have a habit of doing as I hate having my picture taken - I much prefer to be behind the lens. |
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