Not long until Christmas now and last week the festivities were in full swing!! I even managed to do a bit of Christmas shopping!!
Miss H doing some Christmas craft. She is definitely happiest when she's painting |
We made some 'smartie chip holly cookies'. Adding a little bit of festivities to the kids lunch boxes for the week. |
Master J messing around with a pair of 3D glasses. A couple of kids in his class this year have got glasses and he's desperate for a pair. He keeps telling me his 'seeing' is a bit fuzzy. |
The girls and I had a trip into Sydney on the bus this week and it was the most spectacular day. |
Sydney really is a beautiful city (a different kind of beautiful to London). The weather was so lovely that we got the ferry home instead of the bus. By the way - look at the size of that cruise ship parked in the harbour! It was ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS!!!!! It didn't look like it would fit under the bridge.
Charlie and Lola at the Opera House |
We went to see Charlie and Lola's Extremely New Play at the Sydney Opera House. It was a puppet show all about the seasons and how everything changes from spring to summer, autumn to winter. It was so well done and absolutely captivating. I think I enjoyed it as much as Miss H. I loved seeing her little eyes absolutely glued to the stage and hearing her laugh out loud at all the funny bits. If you get a chance I highly recommend going to see it. You can get tickets
Master J's as a reindeer in the Kindergarten production of 'fly Rudolph fly' |
This was the cutest production I have ever seen. Look at those 4 cheeky little reindeer!! When I first asked Master J what part in was playing in the Christmas play a couple of months ago, he informed me very proudly that he was reindeer number 16! Too cute!! (and Mr D and I did have a chuckle). They had me in stitches the whole way through the play. They were just SO excited to be up on stage having all the mums and dads watching their big moment (along with a lot of waving, whispering and giggling). I have to take my hat off to the teachers for organising and producing it, as every one of them remembered their lines perfectly!
Having a chat with Santa at Miss's H's Kindy Christmas BBQ. Miss H asked him for a new lipstick because "mummy threw my old one away Santa!!" Ooops!! |
And the sand munching has begun!!! |
Miss H having a wonderful time at the beach whilst Master J was at Nippers training on Saturday afternoon. It was a King Tide this weekend, and the tide was SO far out that the beach seemed enormous and it was perfect for the little ones to play in. |
Crazy King Tide! |
It was a King High Tide on Sunday morning and it caused a bit of chaos at the swim club! The water was so high that it swamped the pool and went right up over the stairs where we usually sit and watch the races. Master J and his friends did so well swimming with the huge sets of waves crashing over them. He won his race too - so proud of him!!!
Relaxing by the lake on Sunday afternoon while mummy does her Candy Bows market stall. |
watching the ducks x |
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