Friday, 2 May 2014

Sweet Home Alabama

It's day 2 and I'm still on track to blog every single day this month with Claire Hewitt .  Today's prompt was 'A favourite movie'

I loved this film.  I think I saw it at the cinema at least twice and I won't admit to how many times I've watched it since (including the other night).  I just googled to see when it came out and it was in 2002!!  Man that makes me feel old.  It seems a life time ago when I still child free, dating and shopping the streets of New York .........

I'm a hopeless romantic at heart and this movie grabbed me and sucked me right in.  It's pretty funny too and if I can give you one good reason to watch it, it's gotta be Josh Lucas - those eyes!!!  As a very young twenty something, I think I fell in love with him.

Have you ever seen it??  
Does lightening really make glass??
Do you love romantic comedies too or are you more a serious movie type?

Enjoy your Friday evening and THANKS for all the lovely comments after my shocker of a day yesterday - it made all the difference xx

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  1. Yep, seen it. Loved it. Watch it EVERY time it's on telly.

    Only 29 days to go! Too easy.

    1. you're right - it is too easy!! (Although I hope I haven't shot myself in the foot now, lol) xx

  2. This is a sweet movie-loved Josh's character (that accent!!) I love romantic comedies but am always up for a drama one too x

  3. Such a fun movie! And Josh Lucas is very nice eye candy x (My previous comment disappeared so sorry if there are 2 of them)

  4. Oh this movie was cool, corny but cool. What ever happened to Josh Lucas - he was very cute in this movie.

  5. I'm ashamed to admit I haven't seen this movie before! I know what i'll be up to this weekend though!

    1. You NEED to watch it Lauren, it's so good. Let me know what you think xx

  6. Totally a hopeless romantic also - so good when I need to have a good ole' cry!

    1. Sometimes a good old cry is all we need!! xx

  7. Oh, I love Reese! Which reminds me I need to watch Legally Blonde.....again.

    1. Oh yes that's another great one! Have you see it on stage??

  8. I have always wondered about the lightning/sand thing!! Love that movie! A definite fave of mine :)

    1. Me too - it look amazing doesn't it!! And I guess kind of a dangerous sport to collect it!!

  9. I haven't seen it. I tend to watch more comedies or action movies than specifically romantic movies. But I do really like Reese Witherspoon.


    1. you'll love it Sam. It's romantic AND funny x

  10. I wrote the original screenplay for the movie - glad you liked it! Lighting really does turn sand to glass, but it doesn't look as pretty as it did in the movie. Kind of just looks like flattened blobs.

    1. WOW! Well thank you for reading my blog and I really did love it!! That's so cool about the lightening, and diamonds aren't really very pretty either before they're polished up! x


Thanks so much for your comment. I LOVE hearing from you all and will do my best to reply xxx