Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Blue skies, vast open spaces, wine, quad biking, tractor riding and some good old fashioned R & R - A weekend trip to the farm for Wordless Wednesday

Last weekend we drove the three hour trip to Bulahdelah to spend the long weekend with friends on farm.  I spent a lot of time on my grandparents farm as a little girl and from the minute we arrived I felt myself being instantly transported back twenty odd years to those carefree days. There was just so much open space and the sky goes on for MILES that I felt like I just couldn't breath enough of it.

Seeing the kids so happy was just music for my soul too.

I will also have to tell you about Master J's encounter with a big, fat red-bellied black snake!!!!! But I'll save that for another post!

Linking up as always with Trish from My Little Drummer Boys and Bree from Twinkle in the Eye

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  1. I was thinking how perfect it looked, how I wished we had a farm to escape to for a few days, then read the "red-bellied black snake" and thought "OH HELL NO!" That would get your heart racing, I bet!! Aside from that it really does look like an amazing time! :)

  2. There's nothing more fun than quad-biking except quad biking with a beer.

  3. Eek, a snake?! Lovely pics!

    1. I KNOW!!! I wasn't impressed - but then this is Australia and not England so I should start to get used to it now, lol!! x

  4. Gorgeous kiddies hunny and yes time on the farm is always so special. We need to do it more often :) xx

    1. Aw thanks hon. You're so lucky to go all the time. We loved it xx

  5. Looks like you had a great weekend. I love the country too. We saw a dead snake on the road near our place the other day which freaked me out!!

  6. Looks like some magic family memories were made.

  7. Fantastic adventures to be had on a farm. Beautiful memories .

  8. What an adorable last photo. Looks everything like rest, peace and relaxation to me, with a beautiful view :)


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