I recently read a post about 'taking stock' of your life at this current moment by one of my favourite bloggers, Che at IndieBerries (which you can read here). It really got me thinking - that before I disappear into a life of homework, ironing, cooking dinners and negotiating tantrums I need to stop this train and just take stock of where I am right now! Don't get me wrong, being a mum is awesome and truly rewarding (most of the time) but I do need some things for me too - to keep my sanity if anything.
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Cooking: I have just cooked a load of kid friendly thermomix dinners and put them in the freezer!! I know, I know I'm showing off aren't I? I have actually been working on part two of a post I did My top five super easy kids dinners in the Thermomix. It has been so popular that I thought I would do another one to add some more variety.
Drinking: A cup of Buddha's Tears. Except this time I am doing my best not to spill it all over my hand causing severe burns (yes I did that!!).
Reading: Do blogs count?? I have actually just finished reading 'The Help'. My lovely neighbour brought a kindle from her book club for me to borrow. It was so thoughtful of her that I couldn't give it back without reading anything. Great book - I need to see the movie now. Has anyone seen it??
Wanting: Ahhhh this is a bad one - I could go on an on and on!! What I really want the most right now is a little trip back to London to meet my new niece and to see my friends and family. It's been ages since we've been back and I'm really missing everyone :((((
Looking: At a beautiful, big Jacaranda tree outside my window that is in full purple bloom. Gorgeous!!!
Playing: James Morrison. Really missing the Brits now aren't I?
Wasting: Away! I haven't had any lunch yet and I'm starving, but if I don't get going on this post Miss L will wake up from her sleep and my precious lunch time golden hour will be gone. Food, you will just have to wait!!
Sewing: If only!!! But if someone wants to sew me a bunting, I could really do with one for Master J's new bedroom??????
Wishing: My golden lunch time hour was a bit longer.
Enjoying: The quiet. When you have three noisy kids, silence really is golden!
Waiting: For the Foxtel man (or lady) to come and install a multi-room TV box. I'm actually quite excited about having our lounge TV back. Cartoons are strictly for the playroom from now on (I hope........)
Liking: The family photos that Mr D has just put up on the walls of our new house. It's really starting to feel like home now :)
Loving: My kids. Man they drive me crazy some days, but really they are all just scrumptious, gorgeous little people!
Hoping: My sprained ankle would hurry up and heal so that I can get back to my fitness class. My fight against the baby bulge is on going.......
Marvelling: At the incredibly amazing job the fire fighters are doing here in NSW to protect everyone from the horrible bush fires over the last week.
Needing: Some technical and design help for my blog. I get so frustrated that I can't do it myself!
Smelling: The Frangipani flowers wafting in from outside.
Wearing: A red and yellow maxi dress and flip flops (or thongs - I still can't get used to that word for shoes, it's underwear!!).
Following: All news on the disappearance on Madeline McCann. This story for some reason has stuck with me since the very first day it happened. I just so wish they could find her.
Noticing: That sugar free diets seem to becoming more and more trendy! Is it really possible to be completely sugar free ALL THE TIME??
Thinking: About what to get Master J from his birthday. He turns 7 next week. SEVEN!!!
Knowing: That my mum and dad are coming to visit us at the end of this year. I CAN NOT WAIT!
Bookmarking: All ideas for a new project that I have up my sleeve for next year. Watch this space!! Oh and all things Christmas - it tends to creep up on me.
Opening: A packet of raw almonds (still not had lunch yet!)
Giggling: At Miss L's dance moves. She's got the hip swing down!!
Feeling: Overwhelmed. I have got so much I want to do and I just don't know where to start!!
It was actually quite therapeutic doing that.
When was the last time you took stock of the right now??? I challenge you to do it.
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