“Why mummy?” “Why mummy?” “Why mummy?” "Why Why Why? I
had almost forgotten about that oh so annoying stage of development until it
suddenly reappeared as Miss H’s new favourite phrase a few days ago. I wonder how long until I start to give her
the standard answer I gave Master J – “because Y has a tail!” I’m pretty sure my mum used that line on me
too. Her questions are quite cute but
she doesn’t seem to be overly concerned by the actual answer itself – she just
seems to keep on going with the ‘why’s’ regardless of how ridiculous an answer
I give her. Fortunately I can still
pretty much get away with anything!!
With my ever growing belly and the count
down to new baby de Beer not so far away now, pregnancy related questions in our house are a hot topic at the
moment! “Is that a baby in your tummy
mum?” Miss H asks. “Yes” I answer. “Oh’ she says, “Is it a mermaid baby?” “No, it’s not a mermaid”, I respond, “It’s another little baby just like you!”
“When I grow up mummy, I want to go in your tummy too –just like that
baby”. Mmmmm not sure that’s going to
happen, but as she’s so insistent I just agree with her and it keeps her happy!
Master J, on the other hand, is not so easily
fooled and quite matter of factly asks me “How did your baby get in your tummy
mum? And how is it going to get
out?” We were in the car on our way to
school one morning discussing Master J's Monday morning “news”, when this question
suddenly came out of nowhere! I almost
got whiplash as I threw my head back to see how serious he was, and then found
myself mumbling something about a seed and doctors cutting mummy’s tummy
open…………. Oh god, I really should have
seen this one coming!! Luckily we
arrived at school and I managed to slip out of it – phew!
I called Mr D as soon as I got back onto
the car to tell him that the time had come to give J a bit more information on
where babies come from. I just knew that
this wasn’t the end of it! He laughed
and said “Ah yes, he’s also been asking me how the baby got into your tummy” “Oh well thanks very much for the warning!! I
say. Typical man!! He never remembers to tell me any of the minor
but VERY important details about the kids.
“So what did you tell him?” I ask.
“Well, I said that daddy plants a seed in your tummy and it grows into a
baby” “Mmmm, not bad” I think. Maybe
I’ll continue along those lines when I next get asked. Sure enough it’s not long before he asks me
again (clearly not satisfied with Dad’s answer). Feeling slightly more prepared than last time
I begin to tell him that dad plants a seed in my tummy and it grows into a baby and
that’s why my tummy is getting bigger and bigger. “How did the seed get in mum? Did you swallow it?” “Oh my god – really?????” I think, trying my
best to stay composed. I guess that’s a
perfectly logical thing for a 5 year old to think you do with seeds,
right?? “Yes”, I answer, “that’s right”,
unable to think of anything better. “So
once it gets really big – how does it come out?” he then asks. “Well, the doctor will make a tiny hole in my
tummy and pull it out” I say. “How big
will the hole be, can I see it? Will you
have stitches like Miss H did??” Ok, I
think I really am going to have to tell him the truth now – lying is only going
to get me into more hot water!
Thank goodness for Google!! I spent the next few evenings researching how
to explain ‘where babies come from’ to a 5-year-old. Almost all advice was to be honest and to use
all the correct terminology. I really
want to answer all of his questions with just the right amount of information
to satisfy his curiosity but without leaving me open to ‘further questioning’,
which could lead us down a path that I don’t think he’s quite ready to venture
down yet! Several forums lead me to a
book called ‘Mummy laid an Egg’ by Babette Cole, so I decided to order it and
use it as my trusty assistant (especially as my husband seemed to be doing a
very good job of escaping any responsibility in this).
When the book arrived I went through it, and
as recommended it was just perfect!!
There were a few pages that really made me laugh – I mean the truth is a
BIT funny isn’t it??? When Master J got home
from school that afternoon we sat down and read it together. It went straight over Miss H’s head (thank
god) and seemed to do just the job in answering all of Master J’s questions. Well, he had no more – so he was either
satisfied or he’s jut processing everything and is going to come back and hit
me later with a few more!!
Happy with my job as mummy, I decided to
get dad involved (as secret pay back for his lack of assistance on the
topic). As soon as he walked in the door
that evening I said, “Master J, why don’t you go and get that new book we got
today and show dad?’ “Dad, will you read
it?” he said excitedly “Sure, bring it here!”
I made sure I was ‘busy’ in the kitchen but that I could still see
them. He started off the story really
enthusiastically until he got to the page in question and then I could see the
blood drain from his face!!! I couldn’t
help but laugh out loud as he stuttered and stammered and turned over the pages
really quickly. He then threw me this look over the top of the book (which made me laugh even more) because he knew he’d been stitched up!!
Master J had to help him finish the story!
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Stating the obvious! |
Have you got around to having 'the chat with your kids yet'??
oh Robyn this is hilarious! well done!!
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks Amy! Job done me thinks!! x
DeleteWow - I can totally understand the blood running out of your husband's face when he saw that! Thankfully I haven't really had a lot of questions in that direction as yet but I guess with my eldest being 8 it won't be long until we head down that road. Thanks for sharing this book, it certainly does explain it all in a way kids can understand.
ReplyDeleteyes, it was a bit mean of mean but very funny. This book is great because is just explains how babies are made and doesn't really go onto the art of 'sex'. I'm hoping I've got a long time before I get to that stage!!
DeleteLOL! I had a big smile throughout the whole time reading this post!
ReplyDeleteThat book sounds brilliant! I'm taking a mental note of it for when it's our turn to explain how "Daddy planted a seed in mummy's tummy" :)
haha, yes! Those questions always come when we're least expecting it!! x
DeleteI studied this book at Uni and I think I still have a copy of it somewhere!! It is a hilarious and a simple outlook on how kids perceive 'where they come from'!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteWow, thats interesting. I though the book was so well written and at the perfect level (and hilarious) xx
DeleteThis is HILARIOUS, and so is the book by the looks of it. I just avoid the question like the plague or tell them there's something cool outside so quick have a look to distract them. Love how you tried to stitch dad up - GOLD Rob - GOLD. Thanks for linking up :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha - gotta love parenting!! The things we never get taught how to deal with are probably always going to be the funniest!! Sorry I linked up with an old one, but it was for Funny Monday xxx